quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2019

テラ・ローザ - もの言わぬ顔

宵   並ぶ街燈が夕霧を照らせば
もの言わぬ顔は   浮んで罪な道化を見降す
The curfew tolls with stroke the parting day.
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
Now Fades a Glimmer And a Landscape On The Sight.
Then All The Air a Solemn Stillness Holds.
見つめる   灰にした罪を
あの目は   今真に・・・・・・今真に・・・・・・
And i walk on and on homeward.
Still that face stare at me.
It make me Stay there.
The times get feces to increasing.
A sadly face, a smiling face.
Lovely, peevish, grim faces.
Please......please choose.
Choose me, choose me.
If you're in two minds.
But I'll never Stay.
'cause you'll never comfort me.
Keep smiling on my back.
Silent faces.
Stay where you are!
I don't be afraid of you.
A sadly face, a smiling face.
Lovely, peevish, grim faces.
Loved you.
Love you.
I love you all.
Give me a hand.
Silent faces.

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